
Showing posts from September, 2017

12 Principles Chapter 3

A demonstration of  follow-through and overlapping action (without breakdowns) The same thing, but with breakdowns this time Check it out everybody it's the same thing, just a little bit different! I couldn't really get mine to work for the Squash and Stretch, so I used his and added some S&S of my own

12 Principles Chapter 2

Learned about timing, spacing, and arcs and how important they are to your animation. You need timing, spacing, and arcs, or else it'll look mechanical. A simple pendulum, but with the timing adjusted so it looks more interesting. The same pendulum, but with varied spacing (slow in and slow out) again, so it looks interesting. A bouncing ball demonstrating arcs.

Maya 2018 Animation Fundamentals Chapter 10

Learned about the playblast feature and how it can be used to accurately see the framerate of your animation. I also learned about the RV player which allows you to view your animation at its actual framerate without having to playblast it.

Maya 2018 Animation Fundamentals Chapter 9

Learned how to make procedural animations using the M*A*S*H system.

Maya 2018 Animation Fundamentals Chapter 8

]Learned about motion paths and how to animate an object with them.

Bouncing Ball and Cube

Maya 2018 Animation Fundamentals Chapter 7

Learned about the different visualization tools in Maya such as Editable motion trails Ghosting Animation snapshots That let you see arcs, etc. clearly

Maya 2018 Animation Fundamentals Chapter 6

I couldn't get the files to open so no pictures for this one. Learned about animation clips and how to import, export, loop, and blend them together

Maya 2018 Animation Fundamentals Chapter 5

Playing around with the graph editor. Learned about the different curves and tangent types Maya uses to interpolate between frames. Animated a ball bouncing using the graph editor and squash and stretch.

Maya 2018 Animation Fundamentals Chapter 4

Learned how to create and delete keyframes, as well as select different attributes of an object to keyframe